Thursday 5 December 2013


Music Magazine Questionnaire | Toby Howell

(Please circle you answer)

1.   What sex are you?

·        Male

·        Female



2.   What genre of Music do you prefer?

·        Pop

·        Rock

·        Indie

·        Collectic (A bit of everything)

·        Other (Please state)                (                         )


3.   If you buy (or if you were to buy) Music Magazines how often would you buy a Music Magazine?

·        Weekly

·        Monthly

·        Bi-Monthly


4.   If you do read Music Magazines, What one(s)?

·        “Q”

·        “NME”

·        “KERRANG”

·        Other (Please state)      (                             )


5.   Please state your age

·        15-20

·        21-26

·        27-32

·        33-38

·        39-44

·        45-50

·        51-56

·        Other (Please state)       (       )


6.   Which of the following Mast Heads do you prefer?

·        “COLLECTIC”

·        “PLAY IT AGAIN SAM”


·        “THE MIX”


7.   Which of the following Slogans do you prefer?

·        “Simply the BEST”

·        “PLAY IT AGAIN SAM”

·        “The only COLLECTIC Music Magazine in the UK”

·        “The best Music Magazine. FACT”

·        “The leading Music Magazine in the UK”

·        “Stating the rights from wrongs since 2013”


8.   Which of the following features do you prefer to read?

·        Interviews

·        Gig calendars

·        Articles on Bands and their background (etc)

·        Message boards – Messages from you

·        Reviews of albums

·        Other (Please State)        (                            )


9.   Which type of artists do you prefer reading about?

·        Extremely well known and big Bands/Artists

·        Upcoming Bands/Artists

·        Don’t mind


10.               Would you just buy a Magazine because it has a free CD attached?

·        Yes

·        No

·        Depends on what CD it is

·        I don’t know


11.               If you would be a Magazine because it has a free CD attached what CD would you like that to be?

·        Anything

·        The best of a band

·        A compilation

·        A album

·        Other (Please State)               (                         )


12.               What amount of money would you be willing to pay for a Music Magazine?

·        99p-£1.50

·        £1.51-£2.00

·        £2.01-£2.50

·        £2.51-£3.00

·        £3.01-£3.50


13.               If there are any final preferences you would like to see on a Music Magazine that haven’t already been addressed above, please state them below





Thank you very much for your co-operation
I believe this questionnaire will get alot of vital information, that I will need to use in my Magazine. The questions I feel will allow me to understand my target audience and will allow me to recieve ways of how to appeal to them and then hopefully expand to a wider audience.