Thursday 2 January 2014

Music Magazine | Reader Profile

Music Magazine | Reader Profile

My main focus throughout the whole project has been to keep a particular likeness to the Magazine "Q" this is also reflected as "Q"'s Reader Profile is similar to my Magazines ideal Reader Profile:




% of ABC1 Profile
The above shows the minor details of my ideal readership. 

I have chose that I want a pro-dominantly Male read Magazine, to appeal to the collectivist (Which are often known to be Males) This would also accompany a more "Nerdy" feel to the Magazine, which would help present a much more welcoming and warm mode of address, However I do feel that Females will have a avid part in the Magazine (35%) By no means is the Magazine attempting to rule out Females. 

The choice of "ABC1" Profile taking 70% of the Magazine's readership is exactly the same as "Q" As I feel the Magazine will expect a certain idolect from it's reader that is very much similar to the Magazine's Journalists. They would have to earn a certain amount to continually purchase the Magazine. They would be expected to be of a "Higher Class" so they would be prepared and COULD actually go out and purchase a recommendation the Magazines sets, whilst a lower class may not. However, I feel by stretching out the Magazine would broaden it's readership radius and gain more potential revenue and potential profits.

The Age range was simple, again very much like "Q" Mainly because the success of the Magazine has drawn me to believe following in similar footsteps would bring a similar type of success to the Magazine, aswell as the Research into "Q"'s pages has drawn me to the conclusion that "Q" is the Magazine to familarise with.

Most of my ideal readership would head towards "25-34" due to that being the age which the Music, adverts, articles etc would appeal to the most. "Middle age" is the Magazine's main readership age, because other successful Magazines hold that to be their target, They are the most likely to be in the demographic "ABC1" and at their age they will either be at College, University or in a job, seeking fulfillment, something to religiously follow, or believe in, my Magazine will be that very "thing"

However "25-34" are not the only years in life I plan to occupy for my potential readership, I plan to before the years of 44 occupy every male in the U.K with a demographic of "ABC1". I plan to have a steady (Even though peaking at "25-34" age range of readership, to unite the different with similar Music and then again broaden the Magazine's readership

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