Thursday 2 January 2014

My Music Magazine | Target Audience Mood Board

This Mood board signifies my Magazine's target audience uniquely...

The Rolls Royce symbolises Britain (Proud to be British) it also represents class (ABC1 - To be exact) It shows that the Audience get what they desire and they are prepared to pay for it. In the Magazine's case, they want the best Music advice they can get and are prepared to possibly pay added value (Extra for extra quality) for it. It also shows that It will be a prodominantly Male read Magazine, and that it is aimed for males.

The sign stating "Warning 25 year old" perfectly depicts my Target audience's age, it also shows that they are unpredictable, and that is what I aim my Magazine to be. Unpredictable and controversial items gain attention - In this case it will get attention, promotion and sales.

The "The Beatles" pictutre illustrates that the ideal reader admires Music from a long time ago, it shows that they know their Music and that they know a good Band, when they hear one.

The "Live Music" Florescent lights shows that the Reader profile would attend some, not loads, as "NME" readers do, as the Reader profile, have and know their piorities. However they have a passion for Music and attend when they can.o

Loyalty - This symbolises that the readers have to be Loyal to the Magazine and that they follow up on the Magazine's recommendations and if the Magazines points out a gig as a "Must see" They make sure they are there, even their tight schedule comes second to something we recommend, and they know that. They acknowledge the Price of the Magazine, but they realise it's high because its the BEST.

The broken piano keys attempts to show that the ideal reader has a diverse taste in Music from the Beatles to Punk and rock (Mild) But also the Rebellious period (Sex Pistols - The Clash). It also symbolises that they may possess a instrumental themselves to add to their passion of Music, The Magazine will offer tips on how to improve on certain instruments.

The cabinet of CDs/Records shows that the Target Audience are demanded to a large collection of Music. Both CD and Vinyl - To in a way - show a certain respect to all Music Genres and the time they were released. It would also help the reader understand the Magazine's humour and idolect and the Magazine would have a Mode of Address linked to that particular idolect and terminology.

The CD-Rom depicts the Audience Profiles's ability to be a technophile, which would benefit both the Magazine and the reader, for Multi-platforming services and convergence.

The picture of the Band "Elbow" shows that the Target Audience also have an appreciation for Modern day Music, and good Modern day Bands. It shows that they have a expansive array of Musical knowledge which would be expected to understand the Magazine's terminology and Mode of Address.

The use of the "iTunes" Logo illustrates the importance that the Target Audience use things like iTunes to possess their Music to co inside with potential advertisers in the Magazine (who look to see their Music downloaded. It also means the Magazine looks new and fresh otherwise, it would seem outdated and would soon fail.

The Breaking Bad poster, may seem completely off topic, but it symbolises immense taste, it shows that the reader and Magazine have a close knit relationship, in terms of taste, recommendations, etc. It also shows other than Music they have good tastes in other form of entertainment which maybe referred too in the Magazine, and by having the similar tastes with the Journalists the readers would always go and purchase the Magazine's recommendations and so meaning that more ads and paid promotions would take place, bringing with it more revenue and potential profit

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