Tuesday 7 January 2014

Music Magazine | Article First Draft

Music Magazine | Article First Draft

Dressed in their usual rebellious clothing, the non-official tribute Band of “The Arctic Monkeys” the chaotic three (Aged between 16-18 years of age)  are sat in front of “The Mix” to discuss their upcoming Cover Album. The Album named “N/A” is their second Album sequelling their successful first Album “Expendable” “We didn’t want our audience to completely relate us to the REAL ‘Arctic Monkeys’ We wanted some independence – Our own shadow as you will” explained their frontman Don Draper – Born and currently based in Exeter, he dreams of a brighter future. “We know that we are named ‘The Arctic Monkeys’ but we are not them, we want the same success, but we know we struggle writing our own material, but that has to change to forfill our goal... Being a success and being able to sleep at night knowing money wise – We Are Okay”.

The Band openly admits to being lack-luster at creating their own mark on the Music Industry, but they are slowly beginning to write their own Material – “We are currently on “N/A” Beginning to write for ourselves but it isn’t easy, but we are getting there..Being original isn’t easy but if thats what it takes to gain success, thats something we HAVE to master” proclaimed their drummer Jack Sheppard – Of whom quit college to commit to his dream of being a Rockstar.
The Band’s members however haven’t been Angels – “We accept that we have been in trouble and sometimes have had to pay the price” Sheppard was in a Young boys institution for three months for theft in 2011 and he states those days are long behind him – “I, as everyone has, have made a few mistakes, mistakes of which are unacceptable I realise that but I have to look forward and get on with whats right and this is exactly that” The Band had been struggling financing the production and slight distribution of their first Album “Expendable”  but due to their first Album’s success, they can just about fund this operation, for them it’s essential – “ We need this upcoming Album to be a success, we have wrote our own Material, and it honestly comes from my Heart” States Sheppard – “My mistakes have made me learn the meaning of life it’s self and I want to express that”

“N/A” is expected to be released in May. Expect raw passion. Expect Quality... These guys are quite something.

In Analysis

Its size is a issue I shall deal with, however it's current stage is rather promising. I feel my writing style has been tested but it has stood up and succeeded at the challenge. It is after hours of research, I feel, a very realistic and professional article/Interview on a Band. It blends the fictitious background of the fictional Band nicely with dialogue between the Magazine and it's members. 

Improvements wise, The length and Impact will need to be addressed, providing a fairly lengthy read with a interesting conversation. Maybe more background and Dialogue both will help provide a more clearer Article than is currently above. I feel my current is ever so slightly vague, I feel more Research is needed to get the very fine, clear and perfecting points to make my Article as professional as it could possibly be.

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