Saturday 3 May 2014

First Draft | Front Cover

First Draft | Front Cover

 On the right is the very first draft of the front cover of my magazine "The Mix".

The very first thoughts I had on the making of the magazine were Header/Footer bars (and their content). I always knew they would involve Glastonbury and a musical fight between Stones/Stone Roses.  That was one of the very first features I knew I wanted in the magazine.

Second of all I knew the model I wanted and the style of photo and pose that the model would give. I wanted the model to be a young, arrogant figure who can relate to a lot of people. This photo admittedly the photo is very weak, and was something I knew from that point I had to improve on in the next draft. I wanted to cut the background, and have only his face and clothes involved in the mise-en-scene. This would allow me to have a suitable background to contrast with the Main Image and other features.

The Splash is situated in the middle of the page just below the hanging Main Image (of which I felt I needed change in the next draft) the Splash, I had always known I had to involve the Stones' frontman Mick Jagger. I debated a number of times to whether I would lower the Splash and the Main Image to the Footer bar, however this would ultimately eliminate the prospect of having any form of strap-lines.

I knew I had to involve sell-lines, however I was spending those early hours on my first draft on adapting the Main Image format. I had an idea of the content of the sell-lines, but I knew they would have to be expanded in the Contents Page, so I left the sell-lines for another time.

When looking back on the first draft I realised that after conducting my many hours of research into magazine covers, that the Header/Footer bars weren't the same colour - meaning that they weren't unified, which I didn't like as they needed a sense similarity to perfect the page. This was something to be done in a future draft. 

The Pug (again) was something I knew I had to involve on the cover and it was something that I had left for a long time, mainly because I was trying to include the features above. However I always had the idea of involving "The Jam" in the pug and this was something that I really wanted to commit to achieving.

Surprisingly comparing this draft to my final draft I loved the (then) current Masthead design. I took a long time configuring it, and really intended to keep it.

The following images consist my final draft of the cover, up against the very first draft, that is above:

First Draft
Final Draft

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