Saturday 3 May 2014

Final Draft | Article

Final Draft | Article

If you want to see the final draft of the article analysed please see Evaluation Question One

Here is my final draft of my article.  Overall I am happy. I find the article itself funny and mildly intriguing. I can relate to the artist, and my target audience can relate to him too. In fact In my opinion the artist is a part of the target audience, the way he looks (pose - being aggressive and intimidating) (facial expression- Mildly happy but with confidence).  If I had any regrets with my Article page it would be just to tweak the image a slight bit, to give that intimidating edge. I would possibly have more in the actual article, but at the same time, I feel it's good quality article. Well at least that was the sort of feedback I was getting of my target audience feedback. one example "a really witty article and a interesting persona".  This gives me confidence that the double page spread is something to be proud of.

The little tweaks between the final and last drafts include:

The font used for the Article Splash has changed giving the article a vintage feel. This is something that I've always tried to integrate to the project. The font size has shrunk a little as before the Article Splash was covering the chin, this was something that I wasn't happy with. The text cells in the article have been changed so now they are longer. I felt that the article's lines were slightly off and I extended them. This now means that the article is taking up ever so slightly more than it did in the previous draft. I also did this because some of the long words/sentences were getting cut onto the next line which can disturb the reading patterns.

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