Saturday 3 May 2014

Third Draft | Contents Page

Third Draft | Contents Page

One change has occurred since the last draft:   

Added feature to feature list - "THE INTERVIEW" a official  mention of the article. This again adds to the realism as real music magazines mention every feature they have. The bold font shows it's importance to the magazine, showing the feature's "headline" status.

My views on this current Contents page remain strong, however I will admit, it is fairly simple. This is something that has got me thinking to whether any subsidiary images would be beneficial for the lone page. I do admire the simplistic nature of the page.

However, I realise that wont get me a high grade. The possibilities of change to this page remain open.

Recently looking at the progress and quality of this particular page, I 've considered starting the whole page over, from nothing. But I decided to stick with my current page. In light of saying all of starting from fresh business, it would leave with minimal time to get the best possible grade I could get starting over. That isn't a risk, I'm prepared to take.   I have ideas to mix up the reverse page with the photo on to see if any Photoshop effects could be beneficial for the photo/page.

Targets for next draft:

1, Maybe (if it feels right) edit the photo on opposite page. See if any effects on Photoshop look good on the photo - The possibility of editing the photo to look really professional will always be "on the table".

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