Saturday 3 May 2014

Evaluation Question Three

What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?

My choose of publisher is Bauer Media, it apparently reaches "nineteen million UK adults a week" and is arguably the biggest and most powerful magazine publisher in the UK. It is a shareholder of the leading distributor Frontline (meaning a fruitful working relationship) and has a massive multi-platforming empire. Bauer Media has arguably the best record of brands and sales in the UK - which means that choosing Bauer Media was simply as no-brainer.  Bauer Media's brands include "Q" "KERRANG" "MOJO" "EMPIRE" and "HEAT" all very successful in the declining magazine market. Bauer Media control most of the most defining music magazines in the market today, which would help to increase my magazine's reputation. With all the other music magazines that are under Bauer Media's control, Bauer could use Synergy in their other magazines to promote my magazine, this would be very useful in not just expanding the magazine's exposure, but also it's sales.

Bauer Media has a limitless empire consisting of brands in Magazines, mobile, the web, on the radio and on the TV. This fabulous array of multi-platforming brands commands me to choose Bauer Media over their counterparts such as Future plc. Multi-platforming is a method my magazine would need to commit too, especially in the declining magazine market. Multi-platforming, especially in Bauer Media's case would benefit my magazine greatly. It would greatly expand the readership, by massively increasing the magazine digital promotion on the web. It would be able to sell the magazine in digital formats such as on iPads. Multi-platforming would also bring more exposure to the brand, bringing not just readers, but sponsorships (which are essential to run a magazine).

Frontline are quoted as being "UK's largest magazine distributing institution". They have been working for Bauer Media since 2005 and they distribute to "55,000" different retailers in the UK. All these facts have made me come to the final choice that Frontline are the right media institution for my magazine.

Frontline distribute the most leading magazines, they include Bauer Media's "Q" and "KERRANG". This gives me further faith that Frontline are the best choice. It is the largest distributing institution in Europe, delivering to the wholesalers, meaning they will get to the shops (and if Bauer use it, I know Frontline can be trusted).

As well as being widely known for getting the most known magazines on shelves, the company Frontline owns the international distributor Seymour "the first choice distributor for independent publishers" This means that because my magazine would be new, Frontline help my magazine to be seen more and widely promoted. It might be suggested that with Frontline's professional relationship with Bauer Media, Frontline and Bauer Media could engage in synergy to help promote my magazine.

This also means I could use Frontline's Seymour to distribute my magazine internationally and expand it's readership massively. As well as distributing Bauer magazines, Seymour also distributes magazines from Future plc (owners of magazines such as "Total Film"). This tells me that Frontline is most defiantly the best choice for distributing my magazine.

To conclude, both of these institutions have a beneficial working relationship which would help my magazine be published and distributed. Both of these companies have arguably the best record (in terms of brands, partners and success) in the UK,  as well as Frontline's ownership of Seymour would allow me to distribute and sell my magazine internationally, and thus upping the sales, reputation and exposure of my magazine.

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