Saturday 3 May 2014

Second Draft | Front Cover

The main differences from the second to first drafts are the new use of a red/black gradient, this came to me through the School Magazine Cover where I used a very familiar gradient. This was involved because I feel it lifts the picture off the page in a 3-D effect.

The choice of red has been chosen because I feel it matches the Masthead, and the red colouring in the Header. It also has conations with danger. something I want the magazine to be associated with, as it would be more appealing for the younger generation.

The Main Image's background has been removed. This presents the cover to be more professional and gives off more room to present sell lines and the new Pug. The Main Image itself has been lowered so it doesn't have the "floating" effect this adds to the professional nature of the page.
This Header line has been stretched to fill the full length of the page. This means its presence is more domineering on the eye, and this meant that the Masthead was moved down. This mirrors my research as I quickly found that the Masthead should be based just below the top left corner. This means that the Masthead (like the Header bar) has a more domineering presence and is more eye-catching.
Improvements to be needed for the third draft:
1, A more justified Pug is needed to fill the space and have a intriguing, seducing promotion to bring in the reader.
2,  To possibly improve the background gradient to make it more even and colour contrasting towards the other features on the cover. This may mean changing the colour or the gradient itself.
3, Alter the Masthead to be even and maybe more concise to give the other features more space. This however would limit the eye grabbing presence the Masthead would eventually have on the page, which isn't what I originally desired.

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