Saturday 3 May 2014

Final Draft | Contents Page

Final Draft | Contents Page

To view the Analysis of my final draft of my Contents page (along with all the other finished pages) please go to Evaluation Question One.

Here is my very final draft of my contents page:

 This draft sees a new font for the Pull-Quote. A new glittery effect on the "THIS MONTH" bar. This symbolises the artist's mind - special.  The "THE INTERVIEW" box has a new white stroke effect . This is meant to show everything has a sliver lining.  Not a lot of changes mainly due to the page being consistent.  This is without a doubt a my favoured draft of the Contents page, Teasing you in to the Article and then delivering what every contents page does - a directory.  My favoured part of this draft has to be the photo so many conations (all explained in Evaluation Question One)

If there were anything however, I could have put in it would be more features on the contents list, this would show how diverse my magazine could have been. I probably would have dressed the model up in a similar hoodie to the one he wears on the front cover, as this coat doesn't really depict my target audience. I would have maybe got some effects in the right and page to maybe make it look prettier and more desired

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