Saturday 3 May 2014

Second Draft | Contents Page

Second Draft | Contents Page

A lot of adjustments have been made in the second draft. These include The "APRIL 2014" just below "FEATURES" to inform the reader that its the "April" issue.  The colouring of the red and black "CONTENTS" has conations with danger - something that my target audience find exciting. The feature list has been expanded. It includes the "foo-fighters". They're segment would be very good for addressing my target audience with a funny and correct mode of address. The use of "Conquer" is a very masculine word (and as my magazine's readership is approx. 70% males, it would appeal to them). The other features include a detailed feature on "the rise and fall" of the Bay City Rollers. This would be good for my target audience, who admire the old classics, as well as addressing modern day music.

The other major addition to the page is the Footer bar which reads "The Mix - Subscribe now at" This is a great addition to the page. After doing a lot of page analysis I found that all the best magazines have a multi-platforming world away from the magazine. This brings success to the brand, by expanding it's readership, giving the magazine exposure. The "subscribe now" is to try to  lodge the thought of subscribing to the magazine into the reader's head so they actually do, subscribe to the magazine.

There has been a very minor touch, that being the feature's number font has been changed,  now they seem more formal and professional.

The biggest development of this draft is the edition of a new page, a page dedicated to promoting a feature in the magazine. The Picture itself will be analysed in a evaluation question in the near future. The new page enables the contents page to be bigger and expand rather than keep all of it's features in a concise space - and thus adding to the page's professionalism.

On the new page there is a "THIS MONTH" bar notifying the reader the date of the issue. Then to the right is a another title-bar "Specials" presents exclusivity, that would you are about to read is "special" and you cant find it anywhere else...

The Pull-Quote is trying to relate to the readers who might have got into trouble and so sweetening the relationship between the brand and the reader

Targets for next draft:

1, Maybe edit photo layout on page - to experiment
2, To add more blockbuster features to feature list
3  Is "specials" necessary?

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