Saturday 3 May 2014

Third Draft | Front Cover

Third Draft | Front Cover 
 This draft is the final draft of my cover. The main differences are as follows. The Splash font is completely different. This takes away the "chunky" look and instead goes with the more traditional style.  The fonts on the right of the model are different. they have been changed to a red colouring to fit in with the red colour scheme. And finally the "PLUS" box font has changed from a traditional font to a matrix style font. This will relate to those in my target audience who consider themselves as
"nerds". For a full analysis, along with my other pictures please go to Evaluation Question One.

To conclude I am happy with the final draft, I am prepared to say it is my favoured page. I feel everything about it is exquisite. The colour scheme, the mode of address, the sell-lines, the Main Image, I could go on.. (as I do in the Evaluation Question One) but this page is one of my most prided pieces of work, as I am not who is the best on InDesign and Photoshop, so I am very happy with this final draft

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