Saturday 3 May 2014

First Draft | Article

First Draft | Article

After approximately two hours this is the first draft of my Music Magazine Article page. My first ever intentions with the article page was to have a doubled paged article with one page occupied with the interview/article and the other A4 page with a one big photo close up of the model's face. This is a big inspiration through Future PLC's Total Film however, I cant use that directly as my inspiration as it isn't a Music Magazine.

So my first page of the article is empty except from the wording "Will Kearse is hitting the big time and he's taking some punches" This Article Splash is trying to suggest that he may in the big time, but he's had to pay the price". I feel this would be a fairly seducing of the article as the readers would want to know at what price did his career cost him? I feel it's a fairly attractive Splash.

At this point in time it doesn't look that impressive, however I have the following targets:

1, By the next draft I should have a pretty good idea of the image we are to use on the left page.
2, Decidedly say whether anymore changes are needed for the actual article.

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