Thursday 2 January 2014

My Music Magazine | Questionnaire Results

My Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis from TheTobyHowell

These Results have lead me to the following conclusions:

  1. That many like and prefer to be ecollectics rather than associate themselves with a particular genre, meaning my Magazine would have almost a metaphorical ticket into the Magazine Market.
  2. My magazine is going to be Monthly as every person asked said they preferred to purchase they Magazine every month rather than Weekly or Bi-monthly.
  3. Alot of my target audience read "Q" meaning Im going to attempt to associate myself with that Magazine as much as I possibly can, attempting to "Steal" some of its readership
  4. My main readership should be aimed at the ages of 15-44 as between those ages, most of positive feedback towards the Magazine being an ecollectic Magazine, Features etc
  5. Features must be on Big artists rather than the small and upcoming ones, as depicted in the results.
  6. Having a free CD preferably a Album (which was most nicely received in the results) would promote and expand the readership for that particular issue and may permanently do also  
  7. My Magazine is going to aimed at Men, young men (25-44) This was shown as most participants of the Questionnaire were mostly men and they all nearly pointed to the vision that is in my head (A ecollectic Magazine - for ABC1 demographics and they demonstrated this.
  8. My slogan for my Magazine would most probably be "Stating the rights from the wrongs since 2013" as this was most well received of the slogans. I feel it delivers a slightly humourless yet fresh feel to the reader.
  9. The Magazine's Mast Head would either be "Ecollectic" or "THE MIX". "THE MIX" is one of which was best received in the Questionnaire, however,  "Ecollectic" was my most favoured choice. This will take slightly more time.
  10. The pricing of the Magazine will be between £2.50-£3.50. Its a tough choice, I could either go on added value, or do penetrative pricing. Or the simplar way of being the most cheapest Music Magazine, to steal some of the other Magazine's readers and possibly stand out. Either way it's make or break, again this will take more time.

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