Tuesday 1 October 2013

"KHS" School Magazine Cover Draft Analysis

"KHS" "The Sixth Form Special" Analysis   | Toby Howell

This image shows an overview of my first draft over the School magazine "KHM" I felt this Masthead was a good one as it stands for "King Henry Magazine" Of which I feel is quite useful. The overall structure matches the basic structure of any successful magazine of having the "L" shape which is placed on the left hand side of the cover.

I feel the use of colour on the cover helps illustrate the magazine's mood of being mainstream and forward thinking (apart from the obvious, happy) Red is one of the most commonly used colours on magazine covers and I feel that using the colour would allow the magazine to be recognized as a suitable magazine.

The use of black coloured text is simply used as it is the most commonly used text colour, which again helps present the magazine to be as "mainstream" as it can get and also because it contrasts with the red which helps to propel the cover's image from being mediocre to dynamic.

The Masthead itself is unique. "King Henry Magazine" I feel this provides the reader with a sense of originality and perspective as it's the "King Henry Magazine".

The use of Red on Black uses the colour contrast wisely and emphasizes the Masthead. The Red around the Masthead/Main Image helps integrate the Masthead with the rest of the cover.

I thought the concept of having the letters "KH" connected to again illiterate that its "King Henry... Magazine" so that the "King Henry" part is together whilst "Magazine" is a new concept not connected to the school expect in this form. 

The Splash for me had to be a positive, yet exciting story which I could easily help depict in a picture showing a medium shot of one person. I feel this Splash fits that criteria. The positive news of Sixth formers believing that Sixth form is "EASY" is very comforting and gives the reader a sense of well being. The Subsidiary features ("FORM INTERVIEWS" and "HEADTEACHER INTERVIEW") Both add a sense of exclusivity and gossip which is always found in successful magazines.  The features I feel would attract potential readers as they would want to know what the Headteacher is saying, and see themselves in the magazine. The use of the colour purple, I feel.contrasts with the red, black and white. 

The Main Image had to express the delight and anticipation of the students's caption "EASY" And with my lack of drawing ability I feel I just about gave that interpretation justice. The KHS Shirt I feel gives the pupil a sense of family after leaving compulsory education.

The Black Streaks behind the pupil gives a sense of their sadder days are behind him and that Sixth Form is a much happier and nicer place.

The Banner line consists of "The Sixth Form Issue"  with a purple coloured background which again helps to a have another colour contrast. The "Sixth Form" connection which the issue focuses on makes the Sixth Formers feel like the issue is exclusive to them, thus they get the magazine, making this particular issue successful.

The use of Italic writing style, gives the magazine a sense of laidback, easy flowing perfection which also looks persuasive to the pupils.

The Pug reads "EXCLUSIVE: TOBY HOWELL SPEAKS" Which again gives a sense of exclusivity and a varied feature. The use o my name brings a sense of the Editor (That being Me) speaking in the magazine, is rarity. Obviously this wouldn't really happen, its more of a experiment of power rather than following current successful Magazines.

The Subsidiary features are "BYE BYE GCSES!" and "BE A PAL TODAY" both are positive features. The first is situated above the second. "BYE BYE GCSES" are a Sixth Form band which emphasizes their joys at ending their compulsory education. The feature unites the educational and musical aspects together. Of which the customer profile would be interested in.

The other feature "BE A PAL TODAY" engages the reader. It offers the reader to help the younger generation of the school. This I feel would attract more readers to help. The Image (Although lacking distinction) is of a Year 7 who would really benefit from a Pal. I feel this helps unite the article with reality.

In conclusion I feel this cover is a very good attempt at portraying a realistic school magazine cover. It uses colour and structure of which is commonly used in other successful magazines, which I feel would make this issue successful. I think the features, including the "Splash", "Pug" and the "Head and Footer bar" help give the cover benefits to become as successful as fellow magazines.

The features/stories I feel bring a unique image to the issue, leaping it out from the other school magazines.

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