Tuesday 8 October 2013

"NME" Magazine Cover Analysis

"NME" Magazine Cover Analysis


The Mast Head is the traditional "NME" Mast head. It uses the popular red colour, of which I plan to use. The use of Red contrasts against the white, black and light blue colours also used around the page. It has many layers (Them being the red,white and black) which suggests that there is more to the magazine than at first sight. It also suggests that the magazine has a special history which gives it a certain "Prestige" over fellow Music Magazines.

The Banner Line uses a really contrasting yellow which helps separate the Banner Line out from the rest of the cover, helping it extend it's existence. It uses slang of "GLASTO" to use minimal space. This slang would be another technique of "Mode of Address" as the usual readers would know the term "GLASTO" whilst those who don't read "NME" Wouldn't maybe know it means Glastonbury.

The Splash focuses on the band "The Wombats" which at the time were a headline act. This was an eagerly awaited interview which the readers then would of enjoyed reading. "Why Britain's gone silly for the lords of the indie dancefloor" Gives a sense of explanation and to those who like or listen to the band would be extremely interested in receiving more information on why the band (In their eyes) is so good. The rotated "The" in the Splash gives a sense that what you would read would "rock" your world.  

The Main Image Again focuses on the band "The Wombats" to accompany the "Splash". It is a good image as it shows all three members of the band and, each depict their "Unusual abilities" thus depicting the band to be unique, fresh and new. It covers the whole page apart from the "Footer Line" and "Bar Code" suggesting the importance and "Head Line" nature of the Band to the magazine.

The Subsidiary Images Both the Images are located on the left hand side of the cover, sticking to most simple layout of a Music Magazine. Both focus on the features inside the Magazine. The one focused on the band "The Cribs". It is accompanied by a Caption which entices the reader to find out more inside. The Image of "The Cribs" is slightly canted which gives a suggestion that the band is unique and "Out-there.

 The Pug at the bottom left corner has a picture of Damon Albarn of "Blur". The "Pug" offers a indication that inside the Magazine there is a tribute to the band "Blur".It is surrounded by a light blue fill, which gives a incredible feast for the eyes and helps (again) give the cover unbelievable contrast.

More Subsidiary Text is noticed to the right hand side of the cover, which helps identify any other worthy features located in the Magazine. The first of which uses a Pull Quote to expose a short quote of the Interview with the band "Muse". "I was sick before going on stage at Wembley" is something slightly shocking from a headline band like "Muse" which attracts more readers due the "Controversial" nature of the quote.

The Footer Line like the Header Bar attempts to bring more to the cover, and does it with accompanying colour contrasts (Dark Blue and White on Black). 

The Bar Code gives the readers the price, time of issue and the simple ability to pay at checkouts. One this issue it provides last ditch space to expose on last feature.

Structure and Colour

The structure to the cover is a very simple and usual structure. The Structure fits perfectly every feature just fits and is presented superbly with a exquisite use of colour, which contrasts fantastically for every feature.

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