Thursday 17 October 2013

Final School Magazine Cover Evaluation

Final School Magazine Cover Evaluation

The Mast Head has been adapted through the drafts from a curvy font, to a more straight, professional looking, bold font. The colouring here stays the same, as in the drafts, this brings out the white wording from the red fill and projects the Mast Head off the page.

The Banner/Header Bar stays the same from the drafts, it only takes half the pages length, however what it misses in size, it delivers in colour contrast, especially on the red gradient serving as the background. "the SIXTH FORM special" puts more emphasis on Sixth Form, notifying the reader this particular issue is aimed at the year of Sixth Form. It also makes Sixth Formers feel a sense of exclusivity and belonging. (Aswell as making them very interested in reading the issue).

The Pug has one of the best colour contrasting appearances on the cover. A yellow & black circular bording with a plain red fill and black wording, allows the pug to gain some of the Main Image's attention. By placing the Pug just above the Main Image I feel I succeeded in doing this.

The Main Image holds a very similar face to the one in my very early drafts (However the face is more zoomed in on my final draft)  It shows a happy Sixth Formers face to indicate a sense of home and comfort. This makes the subject matter more easier to read for the readers as its a pleasant one. It also makes the reader relate to the Boy in the image. It is sized quite heavily which indicates the boy's face is related to the Splash. It also gains attention, which brings attention to the centre of the page, bringing more attention to the Splash and Pug etc.

The Splash for me has to be the weakest part of the cover and this is because of the lack of distinction of the wording on the boy's face. This makes it harder for the reader to understand, the colouring is a major factor in this.However the actually wording "SIXTH FORM? "EASY" SAYS STUDENTS" does the job for me, it brings a sense of humour to the front cover and gives a mood of ease to the reader, making them feeling at home reading the issue.

The Subsidiary Image and it's text, helps me put as much intriguing information on the front cover as I could. Bringing a more serious issue to hand, which may create a sense of empathy for the readers to toward the younger children, which may suggest more readers. The text is one of the best colour contrasts for me, yellow bold text on the red gradient background, helps bring out the text and promotes the Image.

The Footer Bar also grabs attention for having a more darker feel to the page. The white text with red surrounding on the black fill background, allows the Footer Bar to gain some attention on a feature that should have some attention. Its size is small, but the feature, for me, will pack a punch.

The Sell lines are nicely presented and shown in a collection of easy on the eye colour contrasts that bring attention towards the issue's other, less important features/articles. They occupy much of the space in the upper right side of the page, as I wanted to promote those features well and still occupy space on the page, to make it look as "Jam-packed" as possible.

The Red Gradient Background helps bring out the other parts of the cover off the page giving them a sense of 3-D as well giving off a real sense of professionalism and finesse. It also looks really nice behind everything, providing a suitable platform on which to base everything upon.

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