Thursday 17 October 2013

School Magazine Development Part Three

School Magazine Cover Development Part Three

This image shows that after 4 hours, there have been significant developments such as, a completely Red background which brings a un-comprehend able colour contrast to the page.

 The familiar Red background situated behind the Subsidiary Image was added so it would be easier for the Image to blend in with the other features on the page. Thus making it equally as noticeable, yet subtle.

There is also added Subsidiary Text below the Subsidiary Image to provide a easier viewpoint on the reader to understand the Image. Its font for me catches the eye aswell as the colour and stroke which provides the text to be seen as "Coming off the page" almost a 3-D sense.

A Pug has been introduced. A feature I feel makes the cover look alot more professional as it is often used by Magazines, to promote in this case a competition. The colouring is red (Again to mix with the fellow red colouring) The Border brings a sense of importance to the Pug and gives it more attention, aswell as adding to colour contrasts.

The Masthead font has been changed to a font which looks more formal and professional. This for me is more important than the previous font which had been used, because its that amount of professionalism which I want the Magazine to be remembered for.

Targets after more development:

1,    Bring a gradient to the background which would lift the Main Image off the page and gain more attention.

2,    Give the Subsidiary Image a slight border to give it space from the rest of the cover

3,    Change the "Glow" effect on the wording above the Subsidiary Image to normal, to give it a traditional look.

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