Wednesday 16 October 2013

School Magazine Development Part One

School Magazine Development Part One

Image One

After my first hour on my Magazine Cover, this was the outcome, admittedly not the best looking, however I knew that after one hour this was a good start as I had time to develop the cover.

The Mast Head at that point for me, looked exactly as I thought it should. It was the colour contrast between Black & Red which I craved. However there is a gap between the right hand side of the Mast Head and the Banner Line, which I felt needed changing as I felt its not helping the professional edge which I feel the Magazine should have to prosper.

The Main Image was one of slight doubt for me as I didn't know whether I liked it, the Image I felt was fine, but it's background I felt may not be as supporting. I felt maybe getting the Main Image to be as big as possible, to enhance it's impact upon the reader. I would wish to ditch the idea of it having a border, and simply keep it it having a red background, which I feel contrasts well against the black wording again.

The Subsidiary Image, for me, is another hit and miss. It depicts what I want it too (A helpless young boy) But I also felt it showed to much (The Background) and I felt after looking at the cover at this needed to be cut out with a similar colour background to the Main Image.

"ALL COURSES EXPLAINED!" I feel adds to the urgency and exclusivity to the cover and it again seduces more potential readers in. The color scheme is primarily used to contrast against the Red & Black.which I feel adds to overall attractiveness of the cover.

The Splash does seem basic and for me was very hard to see how this could be developed into a much more seductive and attractive Splash for the readers.

The Footer/Banner Line I felt was one of the strongest features of the cover at this point and added again to the exclusivity to the cover, which helps develop the magazine's sense of professionalism.


I feel this was a "good" start, however I know I have more time to edit particular parts like the Main Image and the Splash, among others.

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