Wednesday 16 October 2013

School Magazine Development Part Two

School Magazine Development Part Two

This Image shows my cover's progress after 3 hours. I feel since Development Part One. There has been some development in the following areas:

1,    The Red colour covering much of the cover- I feel this adds more contrast to the black wording. I feel this adds to the Main Image size increase which benefits because the Red helps the image stand out. It also match the Mast Head's colour.

2,     The Increase in size for the Main Image- This adds to the image giving it dominance over the other features and this brings a sense of superiority. This I feel also allows the reader to see the picture the way its supposed to be seen. It makes sure that the reader can see the student's happiness.

3,    The White Background for the Subsidiary Image- I feel this is alot better than having the original background, which draws the attention away from the Main Image, and that can't happen. The choice of white colouring wasn't supposed to be my final choice, it was a mere test to see whether it would look okay with another colour surrounding the Subsidiary Image.

Although they were the only developments in terms of visible changes I feel that with time, developments will come as will be shown in future blogs. 

My plan for future developments;

1,    To extend the Subsidiary Text- By extending this, it would enhance the cover's use of space and allow the reader to become more interested. I plan to fill in the area to the right of the Main Image and just above the Subsidiary Image, with Subsidiary Text which would eventually help seduce more potential readers.

2,     Shrink the size of the Subsidiary Image- By doing this it will allow the Main Image to increase in size and get more attention off the readers. This is very important as the Main Image portrays the Magazine's main feature.

3,     To in some way separate the Main Image and Splash- I feel this is necessary as the Splash is impeding upon the Main Image, this both covers the image, making it harder to see and makes it slightly harder for the reader to read the Splash. I feel this is essential to develop the Cover in the right direction, The way of doing this isn't clear, however its instrumental in bringing that professional edge to the magazine cover.

4,     To change the colour around the Subsidiary Image- This I feel needs to change as the white surrounding the image contrasts too much with the rest of the cover, which for me ruins the presentation, changing it maybe to a purple/pinkish colour I feel would benefit the cover's appearance. 

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