Tuesday 5 November 2013

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis

The Masthead is one of original and traditional use for "Q". Giving the magazine a sense of consistency and professionalism. It uses colour contrast against the red and double white.

The Splash, one of high demand, is cleverly depicted as it blends one of the band's old songs "Back for Good" to ask whether the band will be - Back for good. This use of clever blending adds a sense of humour and musical dedication. It covers the complete top right corner, which symbolises the "Headline" status of the band to their magazine.

The Main Image is supposed to depict the band in their younger years when they were very, very popular, this again blends a sense of musical history with humour to make the cover seem very friendly and happy. It covers about three quarters of the height of the page which again depicts their importance to the magazine. They all wear black which also helps to contrast against the white background, this helps to make them stand out.

Header/Footer/Banner Bar(s) on this cover are fairly basic. The Header/Banner line, just shows the "WORLD EXCLUSIVE" Nature/importance of the band.  It also propels the magazine's status of big.

The Footer Bar attempts to fit as much enticing information about the fellow musical accompaniments as it can. The colouring again helps the words to stand out as they contrast against the black and white.

The Pug coloured in gold, tries to give a sense of royalty to the "Q" Awards and is situated just right to the Main Image to gain some of the attention that has been stolen by the Main Image.

The Subsidiary Text "A YEAR INSIDE GREEN DAY" Attempts to again seem as "Headline" as the Splash, It uses wise colour contrast as it uses the gold colouring against the black clothing.

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