Wednesday 6 November 2013

"NME" Double Page Spread Analysis

"NME" Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread is probably the most simple of the four. It possesses a Interview with the Band "The Vaccines" of which occupy the Main Image of the page, which is occupied on the left page and then covers just under a third of the right page. 

The Image itself is coloured in a very unique way, any, red, yellow, blue etc has been dispersed and has been condensed into a black and white feel with some little light colour. This gives a sense of aging for the Image, this also adds a sense of the Band being classic and so a good band. It gives the reader that grainy feel that this band is unique and well worth listening too. The importance of the band to the Magazine is reflected in the size of the Image and shows that at the time of the Interview the Band was quite big and meant it had a large following, which would suggest a few more buys for that issue, which would also suggest higher profits. There are Darker grey shades on the image which may suggest the music they produce/the lyrics they write are dark, and may appeal to a more adult audience.  This does help bring out the background colour too, which makes the two pages look easier for the eye and for-fills the grainy feel to the page.

Around the entire double page there are squares/rectangles coloured in blue, this may suggest their music is sad, or on issues which may evoke sadness (As blue is associated with a sense of sadness) Also the colouring of a Pull quote placed in the middle left side of the of the Interview and the bigger, bolder paragraph points are coloured blue this also backs up the suggestion and suggests even more.

On the right page the reader will see a large, bold font symbolising a title "THE VACCINES" This makes the reader very much aware of the Band which the interview is focused on. It also shows the reader that it is a big name in the Music Industry, which makes the Interview interesting for the reader and it seems more worth while.

Below that is some subsidiary text to again link the Title with the Interview, this makes it flow easier and be more accessible for the casual readers, as well as seeming more professional.


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