Tuesday 5 November 2013

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis (No.2)

The Mast Head, as expressed in the last analysis, is the typical "Q" Masthead which has a color contrast of white and red, this works well to gain a certain amount of attention, it is an old and historic Mast Head which continues in the historic tradition.

The Banner/Header bar uses the best colour contrast with the white and pink wording with box fill, and the black wording, and yellow fill. This uses colour contrast to it's advantage as it steals alot of the covers attention.

However still a lot of the attention stays with the Main Image as it conveys the Artist Lana Del Rey as being dangerous and adventurous (The blood indicates this) This also may relate to Jesus and the thorn crown he had, in this a crown of some sought, with blood dripping down her head (similar to Jesus) This Image may be attempting to relate the artist to Jesus. It covers the height of the page which indicates the importance of the artist to the magazine.

The Splash "Everybody's Mad For LANA DEL REY So What's So Bloody Good?" Offers to answer a possible question that the readers may have. It also indicates what is so good about her too, which to her fans, will be incredibly interesting. The Pink coloured writing with the seemingly free form font indicates again that she is a unique, adventurous and dangerous artist that doesn't follow trends, she does her own songs, and type of music.

The Pug coloured yellow against black writing uses (again) colour contrast well here to again to steal some of the Main Image's attention (The placement of the Pug, that it is placed so close to the Main Image is clever thinking as the readers will see it) and also make it aware of the feature the Pug is attempting to promote.

All the Subsidiary Text on the cover attempts to fit as many other features in the magazine as possible, so anyother fans of those bands, acts etc, in the features will be tempted to purchase the magazine

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