Tuesday 5 November 2013

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

The Mast Head is displayed to the right of the Heading "Contents". The color contrasting here is very similar to the front cover of "Q" which is predominantly red, white, black and silver (Possible gradient) However on this contents page it seems fairly basic it uses the contrasting to it's advantage in giving attention to certain areas.
To the right of the "Q Contents" titling is the Issue number (In this case Issue 292) this allows the committed reader to order them and keep track, or even record them in a organised fashion. 

Directly beneath it is a large image which covers most of the left page. It displays John Lennon which relates to the main article/feature of the Magazine. A similar image would have been displayed as the Main Image on the Front Cover. (Top right hand corner).

To the right of the Image of  the John Lennon are five Subsidiary Images which depict the images on the five main features, worth promoting in the Contents Page these features are more important to the Magazine and so get the Subsidiary Image placed in the middle of the page. This is proved by the page numbers being directly displayed somewhere on the image which then in notifies you where to look for that specific article/feature.

To the very right/left the articles/features are listed in their entirety. This allows the reader to know where each and every single article/feature is listed. The colour contrasting here again similar to the Front Covers of "Q" mixes with Black and White with a Red underlining. However the very first listed article (Top Left) doesn't have a red underlining and has instead red subsidiary text this again emphasises the John Lennon feature giving it the "Headline" status.

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