Wednesday 6 November 2013

"KERRANG" Double Page Spread Analysis

"KERRANG" Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread, uses its space wisely on the left page the whole page is occupied by the Main Image of the front man of "AFI" But also the first to letter of the feature's Pull Quote this means the title has been able to expand and take over a large segment of the double page spread. the actual Pull Quote being " DO I EVER HAVE A CASUAL FRIDAY? ABSOLUTELY!" This shows that the expanded size of "ABSOLUTELY"  Is supposed to either relate, surprise or comfort the Band's fans. It uses colour contrasting uniquely with a silver/grey gradient in the background, it has a big font with white, pink and white again coloured wording surrounded with a thick black surrounding, to help bring out the coloured wording and emphasis the Pull Quote and make sure it takes centre stage so to speak.

Below the Pull-Quote is situated a chunk of subsidiary text aimed to link the Pull Quote into the Interview below, again with, white and pink coloured wording against a black surronding, this time the pink colour is located on specific wording, points of interest for the readers this helps identify certain things and makes it easier to read.

The Interview is formed in a fashion that the questions asked, are in a bigger and bolder font with a white surrounding, and the answers are in a simple black text. Both (but more especially the questions) are colour contrasted superbly, it brings out the colours and more so the text which makes it more readable and easier for the eyes.

The border of the two pages are medium sized white circles resembling the florescent lighting on the signs outside the venues of where movies, bands are shown. This brings a sense of excitement and home to the Interview aswell as propelling the Band's "Headline status", making the magazine seem like the Interview is huge, adding to the Magazine's reputation.

The Main Image is a pleasant one, with the artist looking straight down the camera (Slightly diffing from the previous analysis) This brings sense of friendliness to the Band and the look of the artist with his hands in his pockets means the readers can relate and this gives a sense of engagement and makes the readers feel closer, easier and more comfortable with the Band and Magazine.

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