Wednesday 6 November 2013

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

At the top of the page holds the "Q" Brand/Mast Head this helps emphasis awareness for the Brand and reminds the readers what they are reading.
The two big features are presented with Images, the Main Image holds the feature on "Beady Eye" with an Image of Liam Gallagher, the picture also holds a page referal in this case page 46. The colouring on the Imagery seems dimmed, giving a sense of darkness, suggesting the Band is dark. Gallagher is looking away from the camera which suggests the Band holds a certain attitude. The Image it self takes over half the page, which undoubtably depicts the band's importance to the Magazine. The size of the Page referal also depicts their importance. The hair of Gallagher suggests the Band's attempted appeal is of MOD nature like bands such as "The Jam" or "The Who"
The subsidiary image based just below the "Q Contents" promotes another article/feature which just behind (In importance) the "Beady Eye" feature but infront of the other features listed in the bottom left of the page. The colouring for the Subsidiary Image is seemingly black/white/sepia which suggests a sense of vintage/classic that can be related to the band "Queen". The importance/"Headline status" this article/feature has is shown by it's subsidiary text being coloured in red, to give it colour contast against the white background. This stands out more than the other feature/article listing and so depicts it's "Headline status".
Below the Subsidiary Image holds the entire feature/article listing, this is clevery placed next to the High attention seeking Main Image as this will gain much attention off that. The colour contrast (Black wording on white background with a red underling is intelligent as they are three colours which are fairly opposite, letting the list seem to stand off the page and give it emphasis. The titling is in a bigger and bolder font to give the title emphasis and more attention over the subsidiary text below it.
The background colouring is white to bring out a sense of happiness behind all the features, images etc. So a sense of "behind everything is happiness etc" Giving the mood of the page one of happiness and giving the reader a pleasant experience when reading, ( I.E If the blackground colour was black, it would be harder to read)/

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