Wednesday 6 November 2013

"Q" Double Page Spread Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Double Page Analysis (No.2)

This double page spread is a review. Reviewing the new album as performed by "Florence and the Machine" on the right page, we see a Main Image which takes the full page up, indicating the the Band's success and "Headline Status".

The Image itself shows the lead singer "Florence Welch" standing against a wall, with a number of quirky items situated next her. It the mise-en-scene seems to make the time of the photo seem very old, yet we know this is a relatively new photo. The clothing she wears again indicates a sense of quirkiness and aging. This suggests the band itself is quirky and attempts to stand out from modern day music. There is a foreign item behind her to the left on the wall which is similar to a flag, but without a nationality on it. This suggests the band has and will begin or has begun nationalisation, in which the band stretch to as many countries in the World as it can, and so have more fans, make more revenue and potential profit. The colour of red is quite predominant in the Main Image suggesting the Band is dangerous/adventurous (As red is a common association of Blood/danger) 

Also on the same page is some subsidiary text which comments on the picture, in this case joking about the clothing the artist is wearing. Giving the double page spread a sense of humor and fun.

On the left page, the review takes place. With a Pull quote in the middle, which like the last Double Page Spread Analysis, it narrows the whole article/feature/interview or whatever the magazine is doing into a sentence, giving the mood/atmosphere of whats to come.

The Review starts off (Again, like the last Double Page Spread) with a bigger and bolder font to get the reader's attention, and notify them of the place of the origin of the review. This gives out a sense of professionalism and sophistication.

At the top of the left page is the Magazine's Mast Head which helps expand the brand among other things... "Q REVIEW   NEW ALBUMS" This gives a professional touch to the page, as well as notifying the reader that this page IS the New Album Review page. This significantly helps the reader in finding what she/he wants.

Below that it has the Band's name in a bigger, bolder font to notify the reader what band's album is being reviewed "FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE" This like before helps the reader find their favourite bands and read whether their albums are worth purchasing, a vital magazine tool. This also helps use some of the page up, and so make it look like it has more information, and so be more tempting to the potential consumer. It also uses clever colour contrasting here with the big, bold and black font against the white background it helps project the band's name off the page and make more people aware of it.

Just below that is the name of the album and the date of it's release which is very important in informing the readers when something comes out, this also helps the band. It has the review of the album out of five stars (In this case 4/5 stars which is fairly good for a critical magazine like "Q") This also helps indicate in shortened version (Very much like a Pull-Quote) But in this case a shortened version of the review. This helps summing up the review and categorizing the albums and to a Magazine like "Q" that can be quite good, for recording scores of the reviews. It also has below it a summed up sentence about the album, which can save time for the reader, and also again help fill space. The colour contrast here is different from the rest (Red on white background) this bring the text out from the rest of the page, giving it attention.

To the very left of the page holds the " LIKE THIS? TRY THESE" Section, which promotes albums, which have a similar taste to the one being reviewed. This section holds three different albums with their album covers as small subsidiary images. these are like short, condensed and recommended reviews by the Magazine. This helps make the Magazine more engaging for the reader and helps promote other Bands.These "Mini-Reviews" Stand out because the Magazine has chosen to use bolder wording to separate the reviews out and so make them seem separate, and make the page more clearer and easier to read.


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