Saturday 16 November 2013

Audience Research | "Q"

Audience Research | "Q"

My first choice of the Genre of my Music Magazine would be a "Collectic" style, combining all cultures of modern day contemporary music into one "Collectic" Style Magazine. The Magazine that desires this ambition too, is the Music Magazine "Q"

The research shows that has  31.7% Female readers and 68.3% Male. This shows that "Q" is undoubtebly prodominantly a Male read Magazine.

The following results depict the age spread of the readers of the Magazine:


These results show the Magazine is mostly read by readers aged between 15-24 years of age (35.5%). Whilst 65 years plus has only 1.4% of the Magazines's readership. This suggests that the Magazine is meant for the younger generation rather thsn my past prediction of it being prodominantly read by the Middle aged (35-44/45-54).

  • 329,000 UNIQUE USERS
  • 32,556 FACEBOOK FANS
The research above shows the readers ability to utilise the Institution's ("Q's") Multi-platforming. This also backs up the Age spread which had exposed that 35.5 % of the readers are 15-24 years of age. This would make sense as the younger generation would utilise the Multi-Platforms provided by the Institution. The Research above also suggests that the Institution's attempt to expand the the Magazine's exposure by Multi-Platforming (In this case Website, Facebook, E-mail etc)

To Conclude

This Research has brought me to the conclusion that every chance I get I must promote and use the my Music Magazines Website, Facebook etc or any attempt of Multi-Platforming, as it would expand the readership, and allow more people to find and purchase, and bring success to the Magazine.

I have also found that 35.5% of the Readership of "Q" is aged between 15-24 years of age. This suggests that my Music Magazine should be aimed, in terms of features and Mode of Address, at the younger Generation (At my age of 17 possibly).  This would bring more potential consumers. 

This also points to the types of ads that would possibly be involved in the Magazine too, ones which the Younger Generation would find attractive and be possibly eager to buy (Examples Include Sony Playstations which have been advertised in Music Magazines such as "Q" and "NME" as their readership would be interested in that particular product, due to their age.)

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