Wednesday 6 November 2013

Education on Print | What I Have Learnt From My Magazine Page Analysis

Education on Print | What I Have Learnt From My Magazine Page Analysis

After conducting my complete Magazine Page analysis, I have learnt many things that would seem to benefit my Final Music Magazine the following are examples:

1,  Colour Contrasting - This brings out the wording in the feature/article by using colours like black and red which help eachother bring out and stand out the wording in a 3D like format which brings more attention to that particular section of the page and gives more "coverage".

2,  Font size/boldness - This also brings more attention to that particular wording and makes it standout, especially in two page spread, which uses the space to it's advantage. This also makes the page/area seem more full of content.

3,  Layout has to be basic, yet professional - This is very important as a layout of a page/cover can't be something that looks severally poor unless purposely intended, and even then it's a risk. This is because the more professional the page/cover looks the more coverage/readers it will receive. This is extremely important for the survival of the magazine.

4,  The articles/look/feel has to be exciting/engaging - This is also very important. A reader wouldn't be satisfied with a boring cover with a lack of colour and enthusiasm and pages similar with a dull interview/article/feature. I would have to perfect the opposite and achieve enthusiasm in every part of the Cover/double page spread/feature, to get perfection in what I want to achieve.

5,  Be bold/In the reader's face - This is essential in gaining the readers attention in areas that I would want them to focus and see. By having Big Pictures, Big fonts, Good Colour contrasts and controversial subjects, the areas will get that attention which every professional Magazine seeks.

6,  Pull Quotes are essential - They are needed as they bring the professional edge, inform the readers of whats to come, and depict the best "chunk" of the interview so the readers are automatically fixated into reading it, giving the interview immediate attention.

7,  Don't be afraid of over showing the Mast Head/ Brand on every single page - Every professional Magazine does it. Giving it immediate acclaim to my plans. It over exposes the Brand so the readers dont forget what they are reading and so will hopefully (for the magazine) bring it up in conversation with others, bringing more potential consumers, revenue and profit. 

8,  Artwork depicts the mood - The artwork next to a interview depicts their music, lyrics and mood. (I.E The Vaccines interview artwork had  shown with a grey background and blue squares/rectangles that their music maybe of a sadder nature then their fellow competitors and then so may be aimed at a more adult audience) Its these mini touches that can give "clues" in a way about the Band and their music, This I will attempt to include.

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