Monday 18 November 2013

Audience Research | "NME"

Audience Research | "NME" 

From conducting Audience Research I have found that "NME" Readers are:

- Entertainment enthusiasts and;
- 80% Feel music is of massive important to them and their lives
- 79% Like to listen to new bands and new Music
- 63% Choose to only listen to Guitar/Indie based Music, excluding every other genre
- 49% Specially choose to listen to their music bands live in studio too
- 52% Have chosen to take a Musical Path in education (I.E GCSE, A-level)
- 36% Are willing to buy a Musical Instrument in the next 365 days

These stats lead me to believe that the usual "NME" readers (Audience profile) are relatively young. They are extremely passionate about Music and that they would happily spend money on Musical related items.
But their readers prodominantly only listen to Indie/Guitar Music, meaning their genre range is extremely basic (Only for 63% however). They are so passionate about Music they are willing to engage in a educational pah related to Music. It also shows that over a third are attempting to be budding Musicians or going to take up a instrument as a hobby. 

This all suggests that their readers are EXTREMELY passionate about Music.

Here are some more stats about "NME"'s Readers;

MALE 69%

These stats show that the Magazine's readership is nearly 70% male this shows that Magazine is more masculine. This also shows that maybe women don't like "NME". It also exposes the Magazine's average age to be 24 which backs up my theory of the readership being young. This also reveals that the Magazine's mode of address (slang, expletives) is meant for them. The research also states that over 50% work full time and work for a living, showing they have money and are willing to spend that money on "NME" It also shows that just under a third of readers still study this suggests that the readership could be extremely young and that it's reader may have committed their allegiance to the Magazine from early teens for years to come.

This research depicts the readers to be extremely passionate about Music and the magazine "NME". The Readership is young, but are fully committed to their favourite bands and Music.

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