Tuesday 19 November 2013

My Music Magazine | Genre

My Music Magazine | Genre

After conducting my vast research into Music Magazine and their audiences I have found that "Q" suits my paticular desire for the style of my Magazine.

Their style (Collectic) really is attractive to the way I wish to style my Magazine,  as I consider myself to be a collectic rather than placing myself on a particular genre type, and this is the way I wish my Magazine to be like too.

The benefits of having my Magazine in this style are:

1,    Attracts fellow Musical collectives who will be my Magazine's target audience

2,    Brings readers who will be interested in their genre's coverage in the Magazine - and thus bringing vast number so readers to the Magazine

3,    The Magazine wont be branded biast to a particular genre - staying true to the entire Music Industry

4,    Seen by many as a useful tool to exposing the best and worst Music, from the entire spectrum of the Music Industry

5,    Any music enthusiast/lover or even some one interested can find the Magazine interesting and knowledgable, as well as being an easy to read of what is happening in the World of Music.


However there are some dis-advantages....

The Dis-advantages of having my Magazine in this style:

1,    There will not be a niche audience. This may mean the readers may not be as passionate as (I.E) Readers of the Magazine "KERRANG".

2,    Not many concentrated features on every single genre, as there are many to cover, making the Magazine sometimes full of quantity, but not as much quality.

After reviewing the above, I still believe my desired style (Collectic) would benefit the Magazine Market, but also the success of my Magazine.

Monday 18 November 2013

Audience Research | "NME"

Audience Research | "NME" 

From conducting Audience Research I have found that "NME" Readers are:

- Entertainment enthusiasts and;
- 80% Feel music is of massive important to them and their lives
- 79% Like to listen to new bands and new Music
- 63% Choose to only listen to Guitar/Indie based Music, excluding every other genre
- 49% Specially choose to listen to their music bands live in studio too
- 52% Have chosen to take a Musical Path in education (I.E GCSE, A-level)
- 36% Are willing to buy a Musical Instrument in the next 365 days

These stats lead me to believe that the usual "NME" readers (Audience profile) are relatively young. They are extremely passionate about Music and that they would happily spend money on Musical related items.
But their readers prodominantly only listen to Indie/Guitar Music, meaning their genre range is extremely basic (Only for 63% however). They are so passionate about Music they are willing to engage in a educational pah related to Music. It also shows that over a third are attempting to be budding Musicians or going to take up a instrument as a hobby. 

This all suggests that their readers are EXTREMELY passionate about Music.

Here are some more stats about "NME"'s Readers;

MALE 69%

These stats show that the Magazine's readership is nearly 70% male this shows that Magazine is more masculine. This also shows that maybe women don't like "NME". It also exposes the Magazine's average age to be 24 which backs up my theory of the readership being young. This also reveals that the Magazine's mode of address (slang, expletives) is meant for them. The research also states that over 50% work full time and work for a living, showing they have money and are willing to spend that money on "NME" It also shows that just under a third of readers still study this suggests that the readership could be extremely young and that it's reader may have committed their allegiance to the Magazine from early teens for years to come.

This research depicts the readers to be extremely passionate about Music and the magazine "NME". The Readership is young, but are fully committed to their favourite bands and Music.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Audience Research | "Q"

Audience Research | "Q"

My first choice of the Genre of my Music Magazine would be a "Collectic" style, combining all cultures of modern day contemporary music into one "Collectic" Style Magazine. The Magazine that desires this ambition too, is the Music Magazine "Q"

The research shows that has  31.7% Female readers and 68.3% Male. This shows that "Q" is undoubtebly prodominantly a Male read Magazine.

The following results depict the age spread of the readers of the Magazine:


These results show the Magazine is mostly read by readers aged between 15-24 years of age (35.5%). Whilst 65 years plus has only 1.4% of the Magazines's readership. This suggests that the Magazine is meant for the younger generation rather thsn my past prediction of it being prodominantly read by the Middle aged (35-44/45-54).


  • 329,000 UNIQUE USERS
  • 32,556 FACEBOOK FANS
The research above shows the readers ability to utilise the Institution's ("Q's") Multi-platforming. This also backs up the Age spread which had exposed that 35.5 % of the readers are 15-24 years of age. This would make sense as the younger generation would utilise the Multi-Platforms provided by the Institution. The Research above also suggests that the Institution's attempt to expand the the Magazine's exposure by Multi-Platforming (In this case Website, Facebook, E-mail etc)

To Conclude

This Research has brought me to the conclusion that every chance I get I must promote and use the my Music Magazines Website, Facebook etc or any attempt of Multi-Platforming, as it would expand the readership, and allow more people to find and purchase, and bring success to the Magazine.

I have also found that 35.5% of the Readership of "Q" is aged between 15-24 years of age. This suggests that my Music Magazine should be aimed, in terms of features and Mode of Address, at the younger Generation (At my age of 17 possibly).  This would bring more potential consumers. 

This also points to the types of ads that would possibly be involved in the Magazine too, ones which the Younger Generation would find attractive and be possibly eager to buy (Examples Include Sony Playstations which have been advertised in Music Magazines such as "Q" and "NME" as their readership would be interested in that particular product, due to their age.)

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Education on Print | What I Have Learnt From My Magazine Page Analysis

Education on Print | What I Have Learnt From My Magazine Page Analysis

After conducting my complete Magazine Page analysis, I have learnt many things that would seem to benefit my Final Music Magazine the following are examples:

1,  Colour Contrasting - This brings out the wording in the feature/article by using colours like black and red which help eachother bring out and stand out the wording in a 3D like format which brings more attention to that particular section of the page and gives more "coverage".

2,  Font size/boldness - This also brings more attention to that particular wording and makes it standout, especially in two page spread, which uses the space to it's advantage. This also makes the page/area seem more full of content.

3,  Layout has to be basic, yet professional - This is very important as a layout of a page/cover can't be something that looks severally poor unless purposely intended, and even then it's a risk. This is because the more professional the page/cover looks the more coverage/readers it will receive. This is extremely important for the survival of the magazine.

4,  The articles/look/feel has to be exciting/engaging - This is also very important. A reader wouldn't be satisfied with a boring cover with a lack of colour and enthusiasm and pages similar with a dull interview/article/feature. I would have to perfect the opposite and achieve enthusiasm in every part of the Cover/double page spread/feature, to get perfection in what I want to achieve.

5,  Be bold/In the reader's face - This is essential in gaining the readers attention in areas that I would want them to focus and see. By having Big Pictures, Big fonts, Good Colour contrasts and controversial subjects, the areas will get that attention which every professional Magazine seeks.

6,  Pull Quotes are essential - They are needed as they bring the professional edge, inform the readers of whats to come, and depict the best "chunk" of the interview so the readers are automatically fixated into reading it, giving the interview immediate attention.

7,  Don't be afraid of over showing the Mast Head/ Brand on every single page - Every professional Magazine does it. Giving it immediate acclaim to my plans. It over exposes the Brand so the readers dont forget what they are reading and so will hopefully (for the magazine) bring it up in conversation with others, bringing more potential consumers, revenue and profit. 

8,  Artwork depicts the mood - The artwork next to a interview depicts their music, lyrics and mood. (I.E The Vaccines interview artwork had  shown with a grey background and blue squares/rectangles that their music maybe of a sadder nature then their fellow competitors and then so may be aimed at a more adult audience) Its these mini touches that can give "clues" in a way about the Band and their music, This I will attempt to include.

"NME" Double Page Spread Analysis

"NME" Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread is probably the most simple of the four. It possesses a Interview with the Band "The Vaccines" of which occupy the Main Image of the page, which is occupied on the left page and then covers just under a third of the right page. 

The Image itself is coloured in a very unique way, any, red, yellow, blue etc has been dispersed and has been condensed into a black and white feel with some little light colour. This gives a sense of aging for the Image, this also adds a sense of the Band being classic and so a good band. It gives the reader that grainy feel that this band is unique and well worth listening too. The importance of the band to the Magazine is reflected in the size of the Image and shows that at the time of the Interview the Band was quite big and meant it had a large following, which would suggest a few more buys for that issue, which would also suggest higher profits. There are Darker grey shades on the image which may suggest the music they produce/the lyrics they write are dark, and may appeal to a more adult audience.  This does help bring out the background colour too, which makes the two pages look easier for the eye and for-fills the grainy feel to the page.

Around the entire double page there are squares/rectangles coloured in blue, this may suggest their music is sad, or on issues which may evoke sadness (As blue is associated with a sense of sadness) Also the colouring of a Pull quote placed in the middle left side of the of the Interview and the bigger, bolder paragraph points are coloured blue this also backs up the suggestion and suggests even more.

On the right page the reader will see a large, bold font symbolising a title "THE VACCINES" This makes the reader very much aware of the Band which the interview is focused on. It also shows the reader that it is a big name in the Music Industry, which makes the Interview interesting for the reader and it seems more worth while.

Below that is some subsidiary text to again link the Title with the Interview, this makes it flow easier and be more accessible for the casual readers, as well as seeming more professional.


"KERRANG" Double Page Spread Analysis

"KERRANG" Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread, uses its space wisely on the left page the whole page is occupied by the Main Image of the front man of "AFI" But also the first to letter of the feature's Pull Quote this means the title has been able to expand and take over a large segment of the double page spread. the actual Pull Quote being " DO I EVER HAVE A CASUAL FRIDAY? ABSOLUTELY!" This shows that the expanded size of "ABSOLUTELY"  Is supposed to either relate, surprise or comfort the Band's fans. It uses colour contrasting uniquely with a silver/grey gradient in the background, it has a big font with white, pink and white again coloured wording surrounded with a thick black surrounding, to help bring out the coloured wording and emphasis the Pull Quote and make sure it takes centre stage so to speak.

Below the Pull-Quote is situated a chunk of subsidiary text aimed to link the Pull Quote into the Interview below, again with, white and pink coloured wording against a black surronding, this time the pink colour is located on specific wording, points of interest for the readers this helps identify certain things and makes it easier to read.

The Interview is formed in a fashion that the questions asked, are in a bigger and bolder font with a white surrounding, and the answers are in a simple black text. Both (but more especially the questions) are colour contrasted superbly, it brings out the colours and more so the text which makes it more readable and easier for the eyes.

The border of the two pages are medium sized white circles resembling the florescent lighting on the signs outside the venues of where movies, bands are shown. This brings a sense of excitement and home to the Interview aswell as propelling the Band's "Headline status", making the magazine seem like the Interview is huge, adding to the Magazine's reputation.

The Main Image is a pleasant one, with the artist looking straight down the camera (Slightly diffing from the previous analysis) This brings sense of friendliness to the Band and the look of the artist with his hands in his pockets means the readers can relate and this gives a sense of engagement and makes the readers feel closer, easier and more comfortable with the Band and Magazine.

"Q" Double Page Spread Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Double Page Analysis (No.2)

This double page spread is a review. Reviewing the new album as performed by "Florence and the Machine" on the right page, we see a Main Image which takes the full page up, indicating the the Band's success and "Headline Status".

The Image itself shows the lead singer "Florence Welch" standing against a wall, with a number of quirky items situated next her. It the mise-en-scene seems to make the time of the photo seem very old, yet we know this is a relatively new photo. The clothing she wears again indicates a sense of quirkiness and aging. This suggests the band itself is quirky and attempts to stand out from modern day music. There is a foreign item behind her to the left on the wall which is similar to a flag, but without a nationality on it. This suggests the band has and will begin or has begun nationalisation, in which the band stretch to as many countries in the World as it can, and so have more fans, make more revenue and potential profit. The colour of red is quite predominant in the Main Image suggesting the Band is dangerous/adventurous (As red is a common association of Blood/danger) 

Also on the same page is some subsidiary text which comments on the picture, in this case joking about the clothing the artist is wearing. Giving the double page spread a sense of humor and fun.

On the left page, the review takes place. With a Pull quote in the middle, which like the last Double Page Spread Analysis, it narrows the whole article/feature/interview or whatever the magazine is doing into a sentence, giving the mood/atmosphere of whats to come.

The Review starts off (Again, like the last Double Page Spread) with a bigger and bolder font to get the reader's attention, and notify them of the place of the origin of the review. This gives out a sense of professionalism and sophistication.

At the top of the left page is the Magazine's Mast Head which helps expand the brand among other things... "Q REVIEW   NEW ALBUMS" This gives a professional touch to the page, as well as notifying the reader that this page IS the New Album Review page. This significantly helps the reader in finding what she/he wants.

Below that it has the Band's name in a bigger, bolder font to notify the reader what band's album is being reviewed "FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE" This like before helps the reader find their favourite bands and read whether their albums are worth purchasing, a vital magazine tool. This also helps use some of the page up, and so make it look like it has more information, and so be more tempting to the potential consumer. It also uses clever colour contrasting here with the big, bold and black font against the white background it helps project the band's name off the page and make more people aware of it.

Just below that is the name of the album and the date of it's release which is very important in informing the readers when something comes out, this also helps the band. It has the review of the album out of five stars (In this case 4/5 stars which is fairly good for a critical magazine like "Q") This also helps indicate in shortened version (Very much like a Pull-Quote) But in this case a shortened version of the review. This helps summing up the review and categorizing the albums and to a Magazine like "Q" that can be quite good, for recording scores of the reviews. It also has below it a summed up sentence about the album, which can save time for the reader, and also again help fill space. The colour contrast here is different from the rest (Red on white background) this bring the text out from the rest of the page, giving it attention.

To the very left of the page holds the " LIKE THIS? TRY THESE" Section, which promotes albums, which have a similar taste to the one being reviewed. This section holds three different albums with their album covers as small subsidiary images. these are like short, condensed and recommended reviews by the Magazine. This helps make the Magazine more engaging for the reader and helps promote other Bands.These "Mini-Reviews" Stand out because the Magazine has chosen to use bolder wording to separate the reviews out and so make them seem separate, and make the page more clearer and easier to read.


"Q" Double Page Spread Analysis

"Q" Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread bases around the artist "Jay Z" on the left hand page you see a full page Main Image of the artist.

The Main Image uses colour very intelligently here. By having a red gradient on the left hand side of his face. Red is a common association with Blood/Danger which suggests that the artist is one who seeks adventure and is dangerous in the moves he makes in songs, writing and life. But the left hand side of his face is without any inserted colour suggesting he is half good, half bad.

The left hand page also possesses a Pull Quote from the interview on the right hand side of the page. This gives a sense of what is to come in the interview. Often it is the best quote from the artist, giving the interview a sense of accomplishment, that THIS Magazine was able to get the artist to say that. In this case "EVERYONE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING NEW IS GOING TO COME UP AGAINST A NOEL GALLAGHER IN THEIR LIFE" Which is slating the artist Noel Gallagher. This makes the interview controversial, which gets more readers and attention. So this is a successful interview.

On the right hand page we can read the actual interview. It uses red again in this case to form the letter "J" to emphasis that it's "JAY Z" who is being interviewed. Other than that its simple black text on a white background, which is traditional in print. 

The Magazine has done two, bigger and bolder fonts, when starting a new subject in the interview. This helps indicate to the readers the new subjects of the interview, which makes it easier to read and find more intriguing. This also makes the Magazine seem a lot more professional. 

At the very top of the right page we a title "THE MOST EXCITING PEOPLE IN MUSIC: JAY Z" Which build up hype for the interview, it also very clear depicts the "Headline" status of the artist, which makes the Magazine seem bigger, if they can get the "big" interviews.

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

At the top of the page holds the "Q" Brand/Mast Head this helps emphasis awareness for the Brand and reminds the readers what they are reading.
The two big features are presented with Images, the Main Image holds the feature on "Beady Eye" with an Image of Liam Gallagher, the picture also holds a page referal in this case page 46. The colouring on the Imagery seems dimmed, giving a sense of darkness, suggesting the Band is dark. Gallagher is looking away from the camera which suggests the Band holds a certain attitude. The Image it self takes over half the page, which undoubtably depicts the band's importance to the Magazine. The size of the Page referal also depicts their importance. The hair of Gallagher suggests the Band's attempted appeal is of MOD nature like bands such as "The Jam" or "The Who"
The subsidiary image based just below the "Q Contents" promotes another article/feature which just behind (In importance) the "Beady Eye" feature but infront of the other features listed in the bottom left of the page. The colouring for the Subsidiary Image is seemingly black/white/sepia which suggests a sense of vintage/classic that can be related to the band "Queen". The importance/"Headline status" this article/feature has is shown by it's subsidiary text being coloured in red, to give it colour contast against the white background. This stands out more than the other feature/article listing and so depicts it's "Headline status".
Below the Subsidiary Image holds the entire feature/article listing, this is clevery placed next to the High attention seeking Main Image as this will gain much attention off that. The colour contrast (Black wording on white background with a red underling is intelligent as they are three colours which are fairly opposite, letting the list seem to stand off the page and give it emphasis. The titling is in a bigger and bolder font to give the title emphasis and more attention over the subsidiary text below it.
The background colouring is white to bring out a sense of happiness behind all the features, images etc. So a sense of "behind everything is happiness etc" Giving the mood of the page one of happiness and giving the reader a pleasant experience when reading, ( I.E If the blackground colour was black, it would be harder to read)/

"NME" Contents Page Analysis

"NME" Contents Page Analysis

This contents Page among others holds it's Mast Head at the top to signify and promote the brand again. It also fits in conducting the page well.
"NME THIS WEEK" Brings (Like with the "KERRANG" Contents Page a sense of exclusivity that only this particular Magazine holds this information, this gossip, making the Magazine worthy to buy and unique) It uses colour contrast with the Mast Head's Red wording with white border on the black background giving the titling more attention. This helps the reader understand the page for what it is (Contents Page)
Below the titling holds a rather large Image (The Main Image of the page) of a band named "Africa Exprez" This Image helps show and expose the band in its entirety. The "Splash" of the page "Everyone Got on Board Africa Exprez" this uses humour and common use of speech to intergrate the Band into common society. This helps the reader relate to the Band.
To a unconsistent reader of the Magazine the "The Moment that..." Subheading introducing the article on the Band, may suggest that it is regular feature (That being "The Moment That") Which suggests a consistent feature/article based section on the Contents Page, which projects professionalism.
To the very left of the page, we see a entire Band listing, all the bands that are featured in the issue. This really does help the reader as they can easily skip to their favourite bands, with minimal hastle. This again projects a professional edge. the colour contrasting here is very useful as it brings out the bands in a 3-D fashion as the red wording contrasts against the white background, helping it easier to read also.
Just below the Main Image we see a chunk of text (The article), below that there is a rather large section of the page taken for a Subscription promotion. Subscriptions are very important for Magazines, this helps prove this. To help again more attention the Magazine have contrasted yellow wording against a black background. This helps the section stand out and steal some of the attention from the article and the Image placed above it.
On the far right there is a "NEWS" "RADAR" "REVIEWS" "LIVE!" "FEATURES" Listing this like other Contents Pages helps indicate and identify where the features are situated. Making the process incredibly easier. The colour contrasting here seems a little more basic as the titling of (I.E "NEWS" Is simply white thick text on a black background, however the text is readable and so does the job.
."THE UK'S No.1 GIG GUIDE STARTS! p58" seems to have "Pug" format as a last ditch a attempt to seduce potential readers, and also inform the readers where this feature is situated. It does it well here with a Red background accompaning White/Transparant text, gving it a innocent/fun feel.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

"KERRANG" Contents Pages Analysis

"KERRANG" Contents Page Analysis

Unlike the "Q" Contents Page the Main Image (so to speak) is cover the upper half of the page displaying the band "Framing Hanley" they all hold up the Union Jack, which suggests they are proud to be British. It also shows the main three promotable articles just below the image. This again shows what other "Specials" the Magazine has to offer.

Just above that very Image "CONTENTS" is titled to illustrate the nature of the page. The colouring here Yellow on Black brings even more attention the to Images and helps mold the page.

Halfway down the page "KERRANG! THIS WEEK" shows you that below the title the page will be listing what is in this week's "KERRANG" The colour contrast along with the rest of the titles is fairly similar to this particular one, Yellow/Red thick wording with a Black background which helps contrast the colours and bring attention to the title and section.

Below the title is the normal contents layout, exposing the whereabouts of the other articles/features. This allows the reader to find them with relative ease and helps strengthen the professionalism of the Magazine.

The bottom left holds the place of the Editor's notes of which she addresses the readers and gives a "Heads-up" on whats to come in the issue. This is also a pleasant way to relate to the audience and is common practice for a Magazine's contents page to have one.

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

"Q" Magazine Contents Page Analysis

The Mast Head is displayed to the right of the Heading "Contents". The color contrasting here is very similar to the front cover of "Q" which is predominantly red, white, black and silver (Possible gradient) However on this contents page it seems fairly basic it uses the contrasting to it's advantage in giving attention to certain areas.
To the right of the "Q Contents" titling is the Issue number (In this case Issue 292) this allows the committed reader to order them and keep track, or even record them in a organised fashion. 

Directly beneath it is a large image which covers most of the left page. It displays John Lennon which relates to the main article/feature of the Magazine. A similar image would have been displayed as the Main Image on the Front Cover. (Top right hand corner).

To the right of the Image of  the John Lennon are five Subsidiary Images which depict the images on the five main features, worth promoting in the Contents Page these features are more important to the Magazine and so get the Subsidiary Image placed in the middle of the page. This is proved by the page numbers being directly displayed somewhere on the image which then in notifies you where to look for that specific article/feature.

To the very right/left the articles/features are listed in their entirety. This allows the reader to know where each and every single article/feature is listed. The colour contrasting here again similar to the Front Covers of "Q" mixes with Black and White with a Red underlining. However the very first listed article (Top Left) doesn't have a red underlining and has instead red subsidiary text this again emphasises the John Lennon feature giving it the "Headline" status.

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis (No.2)

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis (No.2)

The Mast Head, as expressed in the last analysis, is the typical "Q" Masthead which has a color contrast of white and red, this works well to gain a certain amount of attention, it is an old and historic Mast Head which continues in the historic tradition.

The Banner/Header bar uses the best colour contrast with the white and pink wording with box fill, and the black wording, and yellow fill. This uses colour contrast to it's advantage as it steals alot of the covers attention.

However still a lot of the attention stays with the Main Image as it conveys the Artist Lana Del Rey as being dangerous and adventurous (The blood indicates this) This also may relate to Jesus and the thorn crown he had, in this a crown of some sought, with blood dripping down her head (similar to Jesus) This Image may be attempting to relate the artist to Jesus. It covers the height of the page which indicates the importance of the artist to the magazine.

The Splash "Everybody's Mad For LANA DEL REY So What's So Bloody Good?" Offers to answer a possible question that the readers may have. It also indicates what is so good about her too, which to her fans, will be incredibly interesting. The Pink coloured writing with the seemingly free form font indicates again that she is a unique, adventurous and dangerous artist that doesn't follow trends, she does her own songs, and type of music.

The Pug coloured yellow against black writing uses (again) colour contrast well here to again to steal some of the Main Image's attention (The placement of the Pug, that it is placed so close to the Main Image is clever thinking as the readers will see it) and also make it aware of the feature the Pug is attempting to promote.

All the Subsidiary Text on the cover attempts to fit as many other features in the magazine as possible, so anyother fans of those bands, acts etc, in the features will be tempted to purchase the magazine

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis

"Q" Magazine Cover Analysis

The Masthead is one of original and traditional use for "Q". Giving the magazine a sense of consistency and professionalism. It uses colour contrast against the red and double white.

The Splash, one of high demand, is cleverly depicted as it blends one of the band's old songs "Back for Good" to ask whether the band will be - Back for good. This use of clever blending adds a sense of humour and musical dedication. It covers the complete top right corner, which symbolises the "Headline" status of the band to their magazine.

The Main Image is supposed to depict the band in their younger years when they were very, very popular, this again blends a sense of musical history with humour to make the cover seem very friendly and happy. It covers about three quarters of the height of the page which again depicts their importance to the magazine. They all wear black which also helps to contrast against the white background, this helps to make them stand out.

Header/Footer/Banner Bar(s) on this cover are fairly basic. The Header/Banner line, just shows the "WORLD EXCLUSIVE" Nature/importance of the band.  It also propels the magazine's status of big.

The Footer Bar attempts to fit as much enticing information about the fellow musical accompaniments as it can. The colouring again helps the words to stand out as they contrast against the black and white.

The Pug coloured in gold, tries to give a sense of royalty to the "Q" Awards and is situated just right to the Main Image to gain some of the attention that has been stolen by the Main Image.

The Subsidiary Text "A YEAR INSIDE GREEN DAY" Attempts to again seem as "Headline" as the Splash, It uses wise colour contrast as it uses the gold colouring against the black clothing.